

探討文學與文化再現中相關的醫療倫理、醫療資源分配、高齡社會、失能研究(disability studies)、敘事醫學(narrative medicine)、醫學圖像敘事(graphic medicine)、醫護人員與病人的生命書寫(life writing),以及疾病如何作為外在社會環境之隱喻等等主題。


建立遊戲成癮事實銀行與長期資料庫(Fact Bank and Longitudinal database of Online Gaming Disorder)、探勘分心多工的線上行為 (Mining Online Multitasking Behaviors),以上議題與精神醫學有深刻的關係;建構智慧互動學習環境(The construction of Interactive Smart Learning Environments),則是當前醫學教育推進的目標。


Once regarded as a component of medical education, medical humanities has gradually evolved into a significant field of interdisciplinary studies characterized by forward-looking vision and research potentials. The Interdisciplinary Medical Humanities Research Center of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, as a research center of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, convenes well-established senior scholars and outstanding young faculty members from the fields of literary studies, communication studies, and education. The center conducts research on medical humanities from various perspectives, including literature and culture, medical communication, and medical education, with the aim of cultivating new generations of research talents. The current focus of the center is on promoting research on three specific areas:

1. Literature and Cultural Studies

Investigating issues in the representation of literature and culture, exploring medical ethics, distribution of medical resources, ageing, disability studies, narrative medicine, graphic medicine, life writing by medical professionals and patients, and illness as a metaphor for social environments.

2. Medical and Health Communication

Systematically examining health or medicine-related behaviors, attitudes, and values, dissemination of health or medical information to prevent diseases, and conducting research on medical and doctor-patient relationships, medical and social support systems, and promotion of medical and health information via communication theories.

3. Psychological and Digital Learning Studies

Establishing a Fact Bank and Longitudinal Database for Online Gaming Disorder, and Mining Online Multitasking Behaviors, which are deeply connected to the field of psychiatry, as well as constructing Interactive Smart Learning Environments.

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